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In A Hurry!!....

Thud!...Bit of a jerk alluding to the flight landing..:)……the taxing…n the fun starts right away

Can hear the mobiles switching on [despite the message, sure its not you]…ruffling feet, racing hearts, animated tones… delhi or bbay the taxing can seem like endless – longer than the longest flight…finally the airbus or boeing is about to come a halt [hopefully not screeching]…and there u go..

Quite a Hustle!....Activity…everyone…but for one or maybe but for one dozen…all standing up…as if the class teacher has entered the class…..Good Morn!!! Miss…

[as we used call that in school; not the somber ‘Madam’ – maybe the teachers themselves coined it to make their elegant selves look / feel younger :)……well that takes me to Select City Walk, Saket…..and the variety tricks incl bold dressing that all aunties do to look younger and more attractive…n the outcome is not bad at all……well I must add, I found some excitingly aesthetic dressing by youngies too last time around…]

And the loud fidgeting to fetch the luggage….your co-passenger, if u r an aisle passenger, squeezing or squeaking [depending upon how assertive she/he is] past the lazy sphinx, silly jobless bloke - huh!, sitting unmoved.

I have always wondered….whas this crazy human psychology…people sitting with quiet ‘finger on ur lips’ for two hours….surrendering their time, putting up with their propah best accha baccha behaviour…....they wont do small talk with the young ladies smiling [actually switching the smiles on or off, depending upon when u catch those]….. all the buddha’s of earth together around you will think and be shamed of your baser restless energy…

And lo! Suddenly….all the activity… if the bus neeche will go off without them, as if they will not need to wait at the arrival hall for their luggage…as if so many other things…….why the hell stand for 5 mins…..jostling for every inch….with toes getting stepped on..…and ouches [it’s a propah flight bhai….‘maki… would happen in Punjab/delhi busses’ and ‘poda… wd happen in Chennai movie halls’….] and sorries flying all oer….

Always amused me….no end….

And, what amused me most….is the sire's aghast grrrrrr look…when…….someone who was sitting bindaas…apparently whistling to himself….gets to picks the luggage in one action….and walks ahead of the sire....just when the line starts moving…

But that’s life, that’s fun….people in a hurry are a treat to watch always…as if the world will stop to an end…without their sense of involvement……sometimes we r in a hurry….sometimes we r amused seeing people in a hurry…sometimes its u and sometime its me……switching sides….in diff roles though…

Were you in the last flight with me :)…I didn’t notice you standing up…be assured…the 'Jerk!!'..was someone else.....whom none of us know...its always the person unknown..aint it..

Am back!!!! ….with a tongue in cheek…:P

I hv ner revised a paper in school….i ll not edit this either…pls forgive all slips in dots and corsses n sps….the mis-usages...almost hate the editing part :)….am not upto it regrets at all…;).....thas for u to help with if as notice...

March 21, 2010


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