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Every Moment is a Moment of Truth – Biting Right

For success and happiness - every moment needs to be seen as a moment of truth. One more article on managing the self. And one more article which serves the same wine, at best, in a different bottle. I totally agree with that. In fact, the truth is that no self-management book or article or exhortation has ever told anything fundamentally new that rational mind did not understand before. Be it by the old seers like the Buddha or the contemporary super popular spiritual leaders like Goenkaji or Prajnanadaji. Ditto supremely packaged mantras from the new age management gurus like De Bono or the acclaimed self-management experts like Stephen Covey or Rhonda Bryne.
But still there will always be more written and more to be listened to on the subject, because the soul always wants to share a new nuance, that uplifted itself. Hopefully some other soul will feel a little uplifted too. Even though the message is just a reiteration to the willing listener; it may possibly a new nuance that might give a new hint for assimilation and due action.    
That good for the intro and here we go then. What is it that can help us be on top of all our priorities – at a professional or personal level? Both in terms of long range outcomes and in terms of a diurnal effectiveness? How do we ensure all outcomes give us a sense of pride and inner delight when we ponder at them?
Over the years, I have arrived at the conclusion that meeting due objectives is continuity of action over a substantial time period – rather than uneven bursts of high octane brilliance. Biting ‘small’ bits over a large time frame is an absolute super fool proof formula for success. The small is within quotes, because is needs to be qualified. What is small for someone else, may not be small for me. It is small – as I see it. What my faculties allow me to aspire for at any moment. It is that quantity [and speed, at a more practical level] that rejuvenates rather than tires. A pace and mental force that delights and excites. ‘Small’ [within quotes again] bits again for days, weeks, months, years can transform us beyond imagination. On the contrary biting big bites may have the addictive visible quick outcome like a powerful anti-biotic but it are not sustainable and kill from within. Just to quickly remind – the ‘small’ for Vishy Anand maybe really ‘big’ for you and me. So there is no need to compare, we need to know what is small for us and invariably with time the size of the small will continually increase. But the measure, is the size and pace with reinvigorates rather than dissipates. If we feel, we are ready for more and feel we do not have put off an important priority indefinitely for an uncontrollable reason – then we are on the track.  If we have a problem getting started with something, if we believe we work really hard, if we have a feeling of having lumped energy somewhere, then there is something wrong. [Continued..] 


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