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This Supreme Court ruling isnt among my favourites

There was this interesting case in MP, which was heard by both MP High Court and then by the Supreme court - which didnt make waves really. Some got lost in the din of the elections (or maybe practicality of not asking too many ques); probably it wasnt enough ammunition for electioneering.

For someone like me, who hardly moves beyond sports page and sometimes the ed, it could hv been an easy miss too. But when I read that young Salim of MP had moved the Supreme Court on a ruling by a missionary school barring him from sporting a beard. I have very curious of what the outcome would be. In fact we hardly hear of a Muslim lad feeling discrimnated by his school Fathers.

What actually happened is SC, deemed fit to rule to uphold the decision of the school authorities - citing the rights of minority institutions. The decision must be correct, as it was coming from an SC judge. But in the current social context, this decision made me want to 'unmuddle...'.

Resulting in a letter to TOI ed, who I dont think found is worth printing; else someone who I know would have probably read and called me to tell, she/he has seen my letter.

Why dont you give it a peek.......

"This is in reference to the SC judgment barring Salim from sporting a beard to school by invoking Article 30 of the Constitution. One is tempted to observe that even if the judgement is expected to be sound on technical grounds, it raises difficult questions from the perspective of nation building.

If we bar bearded Muslim youths from studying in progressive institutes, we may just be consigning them to the fiery indoctrination of madrasas. It is quite possible we are creating candidates for converts to fundamentalism. The call of the hour in the nation is fostering amity and inclusivity amongst communities.

What is wrong in allowing religious minded people sporting their chosen sartorial preferences in mainstream education institutions (as we currently allow for Sikhs)? Co-existence of multiple view points, even though apparently extreme, is the first step towards furthering tolerance, mutual trust and sense of brotherhood. Also, instances of people flaunting such a right are expected to be few and far in between."

So that was it. Incidentally, this is not just my irst ever letter to TOI ed. It is also my first ever blog. I am happy about both. First one - something atleast made me move of my comfort zone and express. Second one - 'unmuddling' always makes me feel good, most of you guys who visit this, would know - makes me feel I am part of some real good initiative; which I always lazed away from otherwise; Thanx Rishi (read the blog with this Title).



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